Star trek yorktown class
Star trek yorktown class

In 2398 Riker, now a four … If USS Discovery tries to do its dozens of jumps trick to keep going around USS will be a preprogrammed jump path.not Stamats picking where they go from second to second. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "These Are the Voyages.") The planet was affiliated with the United Federation of Planets. Kirk exploited this weakness, flying the already damaged Constellation into the "mouth," destroying both the starship and the weapon.1 1 Appendices 1.1 … Why was the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A in service for so short a period? Le USS Enterprise (CV-6), surnommé Big E, était le sixième porte-avions de la marine des États-Unis et le septième navire américain portant ce nom. Le nom Enterprise a été donné à plusieurs vaisseaux spatiaux fictifs des séries Star Trek, Star Trek : La Nouvelle Génération et Star Trek: Enterprise ils se situent dans une longue lignée de navires de guerre et d'exploration terrestres, français, britanniques et américains portant le même nom. ), vous trouverez les maquettes du vaisseau USS Enterprise du capitaine Picard, comme celui … Construction. He was given command of the new Luna-class Starship USS Titan and had established a sterling record in the six years that he was in command of the ship. Is Sisko referring to the events of First Contact here and if so how does it affect things? In the mirror universe, Starfleet's starships were named with the prefix ISS.

star trek yorktown class

Star Trek USS Enterprise NCC-80102 Titan. Tags: capitaine Kirk DDG-1000 destroyer essais US Navy USS Zumwalt vidéo. Star Trek Tv Star Trek Ships Uss Enterprise Star Trek Enterprise Ship Yamaguchi Deep Space Nine Nave Star Wars Starfleet Ships Star Trek Into Darkness. Titan NCC-80102 is a Luna-class Federation ship named after a moon in the Sol system and commanded by Captain William T. USS Honshu: NCC-60205 Destroyed while transporting Gul Dukat (Star Trek) to stand trial.

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On route, though, … Tout commence le 7 août 1942, lorsque les marines de l'USS Enterprise atteignent Guadalcanal, au coeur des îles Salomon.

star trek yorktown class

Is the USS Vengeance more powerful than the Enterprise E? USS Hera: NCC-62006 Disappeared while under the command of Captain Silva La Forge with a mostly Vulcan crew of 300.

Star trek yorktown class